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Sex Toy Sales and What I Have Learned From Selling Them

    • 204256 posts
    June 22, 2022 4:43 PM EEST

    experiences, wok pressure, tension, hypertension and even lack of sleep can play very detrimental roles in diminishing one's libido. Often times, treatment for depression, anxiety, and other conditions includes medications that have side effects that include the further dampening of libido.

    The use of tranquilizers and drugs for the treatment of high blood pressure can also result in the loss of libido in men. Illegal drug abuse would also result in loss of sex drive. Equally a number of medical conditions and ailments like thyroid disorders, tumours, cardiovascular disorder, high blood pressure and diabetes are great deflators of libido.

    A sedentary lifestyle, obsessive and excessive smoking and drinking habits, use of recreational drugs, and obesity are far greater treats to libido than once thought. Therefore there is a need to quit any of these libido inhibiting lifestyles before one can really boost his libido. Regular and consistent exercise should be embarked upon to help maintain a proper weight and improve sexual performance.

    Also there is need to watch your diet. You can increase your intake of fresh vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A and E like carrots and cucumber, and also some food sources that are considered as sex enhancers such as oysters, chicken, beef, fish, garlic, ginger, and eggs. Also an increase in the intake of milk and milk products will help in boosting your overall libido.

    However, refined carbohydrates, sugar, processed and fast foods and caffeine can trigger mood swings, irritability, and anxiety and should therefore be avoided as they tend to decrease libido. Also to be avoided are saturated and Trans fats (red meat, high-fat dairy, deep-fried and processed foods) which can impair blood vessel health.

    Therefore, when considering boosting one's libido, it should be realised that it is not just the supplements that you intend taking that will guarantee that your sex drive is driven to an all new high. You have to sort out the other factors mentioned above that play significant roles in either increasing or diminishing libido. 


    However, with all the changes effected as mentioned above, they alone may not necessarily be able to effectively increase your libido in order to overcome your lack of sexual desire. This is basically why supplements of all varieties exist to aid in the supply of sufficient quantities of most of the essential nutrients our body needs to function properly.

    When looking out for a natural male sexual supplement, you should realise that most of the solutions do not work because they basically focus on the production of testosterone alone which in most cases according to research is not lacking in men who have low sex drive. Instead you should be on the outlook for supplements that have a good quantity of and are rich in the following four supplements for an overall male sexual wellness and an increase in libido.