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    • 2 posts
    June 8, 2020 1:06 PM EEST

    primal grow pro down nitric oxide and by doing that you're going to have improved nitric oxide which similar tea then get into a nitrous regime the registered form of arginine inositol silicate which is arginine in an inositol and potassium silicate base and what this inositol and potassium silicate base does is increases the solubility of arginine making it more bioavailable so body's actually able to use it for what it needs to be used for the cool thing with this nitrogen is that has been compared to freeform l-arginine and when they've done those comparisons they found five times better blood vessel relaxation with nitrogen two times better vasodilation with nitrous regime and two times better localized blood flow with nitrogen and the real cool thing with nitrogen viewers at home is that it's very long-lasting so things like citrulline citrulline