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    • 1 posts
    December 15, 2019 1:49 PM EET

    DXN Code Strike  supplement it just kind of helps with that so lastly two basic things I just wanted run past you two basic health any fasting someone are seeing about breast and finalist I get it it makes sense it's a foreign object in your body but are you telling me that someone who went and got a knee replacement because they have something foreign in their knee they're gonna all of a sudden have autoimmune disease and people don't know the full story of anything going on and it just still to this day it just amazes me the things that people can come up with if they assume about me or think about me or a judge before and they don't know so you guys that remain my you know supporters and then people who just give love and positivity like thank you so much anyways I appreciate you guys again make sure you guys subscribe so you don't miss out anything click the little notification bell so that you