insta keto now that they're bringing viagra no a lot of people yeah if you think that was much that much people involving this shit right here without they come up with the first viagra when I wake your ass up as soon as I ever I mean yeah I never curious enough to try shit I ain't trying not him yeah I don't try nothing I not told people all the time they think I'm playing I never even try a cigarette my whole life never tried yeah I've seen people do like the all time when I was a little young stuff my brain was bothering and couldn't get you couldn't get past me and I never even fall for that shit because I don't feel like I should try a shit because other people doing it I don't care until I need that shit I'm not gonna go any you know what I mean you just like taking the vaccine are you are nothing wrong with you nothing wrong with you but the line you up in a line and poke you with a needle why they do that nothing wrong with you but yes they're gonna prevent something from happen to you in the long run yeah don't take no treatment for nothing that you don't have you might just be poisoned you