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Does Your Number (of Sex Partners) End in a 0 or 5?

    • 212632 posts
    June 22, 2022 4:30 PM EEST

    Although the scene is only eight minutes long, it's easily one of the most powerful in the entire movie, thanks to the casting of gifted character actor William Sadler as Braun. Sadler, who has a history of playing villains ("Die Hard 2"), convicts ("The Shawshank Redemption"), and shady characters ("Rush"), and even frank sex talkers ("When did you last have an orgasm?" he asks his daughter in the short-lived series "Wonderfalls"), ably and unflinchingly choreographs his way through Braun's litany of perversions (sex with children, animals, and seventeen members of his family) with bare, raw honesty. In an extremely bold move even for today's audiences, the script has Braun prove he can get an erection within ten seconds and achieve onanistic self-satisfaction. While Kinsey's assistant decides Braun is a little too repugnant, Kinsey maintains his "professional distance" until Braun 

    animal sex stories 

    challenges Kinsey's own orthodoxy by insisting that Kinsey's doctrine is "if it feels good, do it." Since Kinsey is never clear on his own doctrine, it's no wonder he reacts badly to Braun. Braun derides him as "square."

    But for all this, Kinsey's story, which begins with one of Kinsey's assistants (Chris O'Donnell, shedding his clean-boy image) interviewing him and providing a framing narrative for the movie, is one of love--love for his subject, love for Mac, and just possibly, learning to love himself. "When it comes to love, we're all in the dark," he explains. He's taught this lesson by the magnificent Lynn Redgrave, for whom his book has made a difference. "Thank you, Dr. Kinsey," she says. "You saved my life."

    Perhaps "Kinsey" might seem a bit of "same old same old" in our jaded culture. But the movie reminds us of our common humanity, and if we have to talk about sex and wasps to realize that, it's worth the price of admission.


    ost men have heard a story about that one awful sex session that led to much more than a few sore muscles and some penis irritation. In fact, many men have dealt with various sex-related injuries in their time. Though the worst of the worst are pretty rare (like the cringe-inducing broken penis), there are some injuries a man might not consider until it is far too late. So as part of responsible penis care, a man should know all the things that could go wrong - and how to avoid those potentially painful sex injuries.

    The lowdown on sex injuries

    Though the aforementioned broken penis is every man's nightmare, it is fortunately a very rare occurrence. These other injuries, however, are a bit more common.