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Choline and Nootropic Dietary Supplement

    • 629 posts
    June 12, 2020 12:20 PM EEST

    Citicoline Sodium and Alpha GPC are two of the most popular nootropic supplements that are known to contain generous amounts of choline. Choline is one of the crucial chemicals that play an important role in maintaining proper brain function. Choline was officially recognized as a vital nutrient in 1998 by the Institute of Medicine (IOM).To get more news about Citicoline Sodium, cofttek official website is the best place for you.

    Our brains depend on choline to work properly. Choline is a precursor to a neurotransmitter known as Acetylcholine. This is one of the numerous neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. One of its many functions is that it plays an important role in boosting focus and sustaining attention. Lack of Acetylcholine has been linked to memory deficits and depression.

    So, what’s the difference between the Citicoline and Alpha GPC? Well, we have prepared this in-depth guide to help you understand all the important aspects about Citicoline and Alpha GPC that you should know.
    How Does Citicoline Sodium Work?
    Citicoline Sodium Powder is a rich Choline Source. To understand how citicoline works, it is important that you first understand how choline works.

    Choline is one of the crucial chemicals that play an important role in maintaining proper brain function. That’s why eating foods and supplements that are rich in choline is highly encouraged, as it has positive effects on Brain Development.

    Citicoline occurs in the cell membrane through a biochemical process. Research has found that CDP chlorine enhances brain activity by the mechanism of supporting the citicoline synthesis. Citicoline increases the brain chemical known as phosphatidylcholine, which is important for brain function. It also decreases brain tissue damage in case of a brain injury.