Granite male enhancement stock if you're going to do that to make sure it's not too hot for the back of your hand if it's not too hot for the back your hand it should be fine for your penis as you move into active PE notice I have a M now this is going to be crucial especially if you've got very limited time to wear your all day stretcher if you've only got a few hours to wear your all day stretcher it is best done right after your active PE because this is when the tissues are at their most stretched alright so you've taken them out of a state of homeostasis which means balance because of this they want to retract almost immediately to get into a safe position to heal even faster however our aim is to actually keep them in that length now let's say you spend 60 minutes on active pee I did say you start with 30 you can't start with 30 if you want but if you can get out 60 minutes of this that would be fantastic now as soon as you finish this like I said the penis wants to