What is more, the quality control over there cannot be observed closely, so scams and fake products might make their appearance there as well. To place an order, clients should simply enter their names and current phone number. A dis-tributor for their country will soon follow up with a confirmation call. Users may address all additional Oxybreath Pro Mask about the OxyBreath mask to them. Breathe Freely! Oxybreath Pro Mask mask, lungs, air pollution, viruses It’s important to keep our heads up when there are unhealthy microorganisms going around in the air. Whether it’s the air pollution, viruses or the seasonal flu – having ways to prevent them is recommended. Following a healthy diet, and exercising could be beneficial for your immune system in such ways. You can learn more about aloe vera, too – it is said to be a natu-ral health-booster! Bottom Line: Oxybreath Pro Mask is a mask with a filter that has air-purifying and flu-stopping properties. It also enriches the air with healthy vitamins and minerals.