there's much vitamin C this much I think you know it has list and then if you look in the 2000s at what
broccoli contains per serving size as or what calls or anything like that you're going to see drop
dramatically so because of our soils being to please and our food being processed in a way that's done
to make it grow faster and less nutrient dense because it's not absorbing what it needs it's not getting
the same amount of Sun it's not getting you know water nutrients etc it's low it's it's low quality so when
you have low quality food nutrients then you do need to supplement a good multi I like a lot of different
multis I did video on supplements I'll link it below as well and it talks about what a multivitamin that he
do like because it actually does an analysis and it tells you what you need there is a lot of other good
nutrients pure encapsulation does a good nutrients as well I will be happy to put a couple links below on
supplement I love I can give you a link to my medicinal so you can get discounts if you want discounts on
good someone's hello casual preparedness