Then I briefly played with OSRS

  • RuneScape legit would make an wonderful television show. It's such a world that is mysterious, and such lore. If it had OSRS gold game of thrones budget, with Witcher caliber manufacturing it would be beautiful. Story episodes could follow Quests and boss/raids. Imagine an entire episode. Through some fuckery, people come back to life unharmed. Just an absolute gore fest for a very simple game of capture the flag to get a few tickets, with the special effects, of an episode.

    Envision an incident about a guy in khakis going to the bank and creating a long lineup of campfires, and standing before a tree for hours on end. Man, now that is content that is compelling. So a lot of the quests that are more lighthearted will fit that tone, and also the ones always have some of the early internet comedy. I would very much like to find a version of One Little Favor. As he does tasks that require more mindless activities to finish A non-stop barrage of the main character getting more and more pissed off.

    I recently started playing OSRS. I originally started playing like 2007 when I was around 12 and had been obsessed with RuneScape. Saw the cellular app in my phone one day fell in love and 1-2 months ago downloaded it started taking it severe! Gon na sometime this week be doing fighter madness lol. Its a fantastic game.

    This seems like me, I thought I forgot about it lol but saw your username and posted this. Good luck, 10 years and I'll begin remembering 12 year old me questing or grinding levels after researching thinking like...I don't recall this but the nostalgia comes rushing back before long. I really don't like. Good luck catching up with RuneScape changes.

    Tbh that is why I play f2p. 1, it doesn't cost me money. Should I need I could buy a bond. 2, RuneScape feels more pure and nearer to RuneScape that I recall. In f2p almost nothing has changed except some small items (draynor shop guy, Corsair, clan wars place?,..?) F2p has a far more shallow learning curve and plus, if you quit you do not have the regretful thinking like"oh I can not believe I spent $x membership across all these years".

    I played RuneScape. As it came out, then I briefly played with OSRS. After that I never had any desire to get back into cheap RuneScape gold. Unexpectedly I begin watching PK videos from Framed and Torvesta and that I couldn't stop watching them. My urge to play again was growing. I decided to give another attempt over the winter for faculty to OSRS and I have been hooked today for two months. I figured I'd quit by now but I have.