Everything about Tarot Card Reading

  • Tarot reading is not exactly predicting your accurate future as many people takes it for, but it actually shows what are the most likely scenarios which you are going to face in your life. Although, they might seem to be little complicated but in reality they are not. To learn tarot card reading, one can refer books and other sources of information but the best way to master it is by practical experience.


    The decks of tarot cards can be inspired by a lot of different factors. They are adapted from ancient mythology, books, artwork and even from some movies. The deck consists of total 78 cards. Out of which, 22 are major arcana and the remaining 56 are minor arcana. The difference between these two cards is major arcane will show you the meaning of material word where as minor arcanas will depict emotions, relationships and other aspects of life.


    The way tarot reading works is it doesn’t actually give you hints about your future but it reflects your inner thoughts and abilities with the help of cards. In simpler words, the tarot card which you pick subconsciously reveals what is going inside your mind and according shows you what you can expect in your upcoming days. This is how the card can be a helping hand for you in setting up your goals for your future. So, instead of predicting your future it shows what can you expect in your future.


    Dr. Geetanjali Saxena is a wellness coach and skillful with tarot card reading with more than 20 years of hands-on experience in counseling, hypnotherapy and tarot reading. She is trained in multiple modalities under various international trainers which give her a multicultural experience to understand different types of people and their nature.